Book Reading Stats (Jan-11-2013)
Book Reading Stats app is better then ever!!!
I got rid of the bulky buttons in the layout and implemented options menu and context menu, which conforms more to modern android app navigation;
I’ve implemented images in the books list view to represent your progress in each book using different colors;
Also the books and sessions list view display more relevant information;
Now you can see a chart of your progress by clicking the chart option menu from the main screen.
Book Reading Stats (Dec-14-2012)
The app that I have been developing, called Book Reading Stats, is finally on the Android Market. If you want to check it out look it up on the market. The only thing is that when trying to find it you should type BookReadingStats (with no space), because it will be the first one to pop up making it easy on you to find. Enjoy it!
Book Reading Stats
Since I am a habitual reader I always keep track of a few statistics of every book I read. These statistics consist of the percentage of the book I have already read, and the estimated total read time it will take to finish the book. So I figured why not make an app to delegate the calculations and just see the statistics. So I did just that! Basically all one needs to do to use the app is input the name of the book, the total number of pages, and keep track of the time spent reading – which can be done with a stop watch integrated in the app – and the page number you are currently on when you are done with a reading session. Here are a few screen shots of what the app looks like.